4g Plant Protein/Serving*
Good Source Vitamin A&E
Find it in the Cereal Aisle
Whether you add it to your smoothie, sprinkle it in your breakfast bowl, or add it to your favorite recipe, you know you’re getting a boost.

Add protein and vitamins to your breakfast with a boost from Kretschmer Wheat Germ.
Add a serving (2 tablespoons) to your bowl for an instant boost.
- Adds 3-4 grams of protein
- Increase vitamin E by 2.8mg, 15% Daily Value
- Increase zinc by at least 1.1mg, 10% of your Daily Value

For recipes using all-purpose flour, replace half the requirement with wheat germ.
- Increases fiber 140%
- Increases protein and folate by 40%

Berries, granola — why not wheat germ?
- Increases magnesium from 7% to 15% Daily Value*
- Increases folate from 5% to 25% Daily Value*
- Increases vitamin E from 0% to 15% Daily Value*
- Increases vitamin A from 3% to 13% Daily Value*

*Two tablespoons of Kretschmer Original Toasted Wheat Germ delivers four grams of plant protein and key vitamins with only 60 calories.
Whether it’s a smoothie, bowl, or baked good, Wheat Germ is the perfect way to Boost Your FoodTM.

Wheat germ can boost any food, but we’re usually in the cereal aisle at your local grocery. Look for our classic glass jar.